After seeing the video and reading the story titled Engage With Grace I see myself eventually going in that direction as will most of us. I have been very fortunate in my 81 years of active life ,even though being diabetic since the age of 15 , I have been able to accomplish most of my goals. I owned and operated my own drug store on Payne Avenue, I volunteered for both of Norm Coleman’s senate races and have had a total 85 letters published in various newspapers . There are also events that I am not proud of as I am at this time engaged in my fourth divorce. More on that to follow. I feel that I am still capable but I have turned over all of my life decisions to my four children, Del, Jane, Mary and Barbara. and we have discussed living will and end of life care. I have full trust in my committee of four and I know they know better than I what is best for me. In late December they had real concerns about my health and safety so they removed me from my home and then to the emergency department at Regions Hospital as a vulnerable adult. They then found it best for me to file for divorce and live in an assisted living apartment in Maplewood. I thank God for them.
-Alan, 2/10/2010