In the past ten years, cancer has claimed the lives of three beautiful, young women in my life; most recently, my high school friend, mother of an adorable two year old. Gayle died peacefully in her home last year and I was blessed to be a part of her final moments. Although she could not speak, she was alert and knew her loved ones and beautiful daughter were by her side. She too suffered through many treatments and surgeries in her final year. Her story reminded me of Rosaria. I did not have the pleasure of meeting "Za", but I did have the honor of meeting her husband and daughter. It’s been many years since I saw Alessia’s charming smile and heard her darling voice. I knew John and Alessia’s family would keep her Mommy’s memory alive and that she would come to know the special woman Rosaria was. Her story and Gayle’s got me thinking the end of a Mom or Dad’s life is the beginning of another life for their child. I believe the gift Rosaria and Gayle gave to their daughters in their final moments, was one in which they both would cherish.
-Anonymous, 8/23/2010